Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Opening Was Grand.

What a wonderful day Saturday turned out to be! Thanks to everyone who came out. I really enjoyed meeting all the new faces, and of course all you familiar faces as well. I feel so supported!

A special congratulations to Steve Spolar! I don't know if you read my blog or not, but your name was picked out of the chandelier drawing. Yay!

Here are a few pictures of the big day. Sadly, I only snapped a few.

Our Sign "almost" hung. 

Lots of new pieces. 

These were two of my favorite chairs (now sold). 

The view from my desk in the back. 

What's left of the 144 mini cupcakes we started with.
Thanks to Jenny for making these delectable goodies. Be sure to click on her name for a look at her other incredible creations at Double Take Cakes.  Let me just show you one of my faves. 

Check back soon for pictures of our new inventory.


  1. Congrats! We (husband and I) just moved in down the street and stopped in last Wednesday. Here's to your future success!

  2. The store looks great Jordan! Congrats!
