Sunday, August 28, 2011

Love Hate Relationships.

Here are a few I can think of from my day so far:
1. Staples. I hate removing staples. They're a pain. PERIOD. Especially when you're ripping up carpet, only to find a million staples in your, otherwise, beautiful hardwood floor. I was reupholstering some cushions today, and I seriously get worse and worse at this staple removal process. I thought it'd be the other way around by now, but alas, it's not. No matter how much I belly ache about staples though, they also make my life easier when it comes time for me to use them. Case in point: brand new looking chairs, relatively quick 2. Spray paint. Love it for it's simplicity. Hate that I always leave a ring of color either on our grass or, worse, on our driveway. My husband really loves me for that one! Which leads me to point 3. Drop cloths and tape. Do you really need them? I guess I already answered my question from the previous statements, but come on... really? 4. Plastic lamp covers. You know, the kind that protects a new shade from being damaged. When they say not to light them with the plastic still around it, they mean it! I went all morning the other day smelling this mysterious "glue gun" odor without realizing it was part of my favorite little reed lamp burning to a crisp. I had to find three new shades for this lamp. Such a shame. 5.  Spiders. Just kidding. No love, hate relationship there. In fact, I'd prefer there to be no relationship at all. I've seen and successfully eliminated two today. Not my ideal way to spend a Sunday!

And speaking of Sundays, since you all seem to come visit the shop more on weekdays and Saturdays, I'm thinking of closing Sundays from here on out. Besides, everyone needs a Sabbath day, right? We've still been able to hit up the early service before I report for duty, but I miss getting to stick around afterwards to catch up with our church community. Yes, Northway friends, I dearly miss you. So stay tuned for more info on that. I might actually extend Saturday hours to make up for it. We'll see.

Here are some pictures of the aforementioned items. The reed lamp with its new, stylish shades, and the new chairs I bought getting ready to undergo surgery (ie. staple removal).

And finally, if you've made it this far, I'm going to start doing little blog promos for all my loyal readers out there. 
Promo #1: $30 off the total of either the "reed" lamp, or these soon to be good-as-new chairs. These are obviously first come, first serve promotions.

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