Thursday, August 25, 2011

Constant Change.

I don't think I realized how much my store would be constantly changing when I started it. It's crazy, and exciting because there's always something new. Here are a few of those new key pieces I got in.

Heritage "Grand Tour" Round End Table
Two Wing back Chairs
(left) on sale for $32 (right) $125

Just got this beauty in yesterday.
Custom painted w/ gorgeous marble on top. 

This would make a perfect media cabinet for a flat screen t.v.

Custom painted buffet table. 


Black Leather Love Seat

There are, in fact, more new pieces, like my mid-century modern cabinet that refused to take a good picture for me (these things happen).  Or the farm table I just got in (I'm on the hunt for some fun chairs to match). I do need to leave some mystery in this relationship, right? So I guess you'll just have to come in and see the rest...
Or wait till I take more pictures for my next post.
Lastly, I dedicate this picture to my husband.
Lady with Poppies was sold today.
I was sad to see her go so soon, but happy
it was to a good home. 

 Have a fantastic Wednesday

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