Tuesday, August 30, 2011

From Rags To Riches.

 A Cinderella Story:


Already helping mom reupholster...she's going to be taking over in no time! 

I can't believe how well these chairs match this table. I mean, I'm definitely not an everything has to be all matchy, matchy type person, but when I find these things from two separate people (thanks guys at the flea market if you're reading this), and bring them together, it just makes me so happy. Sorry about the pattern, fellows. I'm just really into florals right now. I know, 1990 called and it wants their flowers back. But this design's pretty updated and mod now, right? I think so. Maybe I'll call this my "how to seal the deal" line. Guys, if you have furniture that appeals to a girl's senses, it's an automatic check. At least in my book. Not that I have a book. But if I did, there'd be a check right by classy furniture. 
Anyways, there are lots of new accessories in the shop. Heaps (as my Australian friends would say), and a couple new end tables. Plus, come enjoy some new sales (it's already been 3 weeks, so it's time to mark it down). 

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Love Hate Relationships.

Here are a few I can think of from my day so far:
1. Staples. I hate removing staples. They're a pain. PERIOD. Especially when you're ripping up carpet, only to find a million staples in your, otherwise, beautiful hardwood floor. I was reupholstering some cushions today, and I seriously get worse and worse at this staple removal process. I thought it'd be the other way around by now, but alas, it's not. No matter how much I belly ache about staples though, they also make my life easier when it comes time for me to use them. Case in point: brand new looking chairs, relatively quick 2. Spray paint. Love it for it's simplicity. Hate that I always leave a ring of color either on our grass or, worse, on our driveway. My husband really loves me for that one! Which leads me to point 3. Drop cloths and tape. Do you really need them? I guess I already answered my question from the previous statements, but come on... really? 4. Plastic lamp covers. You know, the kind that protects a new shade from being damaged. When they say not to light them with the plastic still around it, they mean it! I went all morning the other day smelling this mysterious "glue gun" odor without realizing it was part of my favorite little reed lamp burning to a crisp. I had to find three new shades for this lamp. Such a shame. 5.  Spiders. Just kidding. No love, hate relationship there. In fact, I'd prefer there to be no relationship at all. I've seen and successfully eliminated two today. Not my ideal way to spend a Sunday!

And speaking of Sundays, since you all seem to come visit the shop more on weekdays and Saturdays, I'm thinking of closing Sundays from here on out. Besides, everyone needs a Sabbath day, right? We've still been able to hit up the early service before I report for duty, but I miss getting to stick around afterwards to catch up with our church community. Yes, Northway friends, I dearly miss you. So stay tuned for more info on that. I might actually extend Saturday hours to make up for it. We'll see.

Here are some pictures of the aforementioned items. The reed lamp with its new, stylish shades, and the new chairs I bought getting ready to undergo surgery (ie. staple removal).

And finally, if you've made it this far, I'm going to start doing little blog promos for all my loyal readers out there. 
Promo #1: $30 off the total of either the "reed" lamp, or these soon to be good-as-new chairs. These are obviously first come, first serve promotions.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Bamboo, Bamboo.

I think I said in my last post that I was in search of some chairs to go around my new farm table in the shop. Well, I've been eyeing these bamboo chairs in almost every design magazine I read, when finally this morning I found these:

You might be wondering what the heck I was thinking when I bought them. They are a little rough around the edges. But hopefully with a little sanding, a touch of spray paint, and some 
reupholstering, they'll look more like these beauties
Chippendale Arm Chair
Jonathan Adler $645
Chippendale Chair
Jonathan Adler $695
Of course for a fraction of the price :) 
Now the only question is which color shall I paint them? White, Black, Green, or my ever favorite sky blue? I'm mulling over the idea of yellow chairs with a Tiffany Blue ikat pattern for the cushions. What do you think? 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Constant Change.

I don't think I realized how much my store would be constantly changing when I started it. It's crazy, and exciting because there's always something new. Here are a few of those new key pieces I got in.

Heritage "Grand Tour" Round End Table
Two Wing back Chairs
(left) on sale for $32 (right) $125

Just got this beauty in yesterday.
Custom painted w/ gorgeous marble on top. 

This would make a perfect media cabinet for a flat screen t.v.

Custom painted buffet table. 


Black Leather Love Seat

There are, in fact, more new pieces, like my mid-century modern cabinet that refused to take a good picture for me (these things happen).  Or the farm table I just got in (I'm on the hunt for some fun chairs to match). I do need to leave some mystery in this relationship, right? So I guess you'll just have to come in and see the rest...
Or wait till I take more pictures for my next post.
Lastly, I dedicate this picture to my husband.
Lady with Poppies was sold today.
I was sad to see her go so soon, but happy
it was to a good home. 

 Have a fantastic Wednesday

The Real Reason.

Last October, my husband and I came home from a gut-wrenching, three month trip to Ethiopia. We had the privilege of living among some of the most gentle people I've ever met. The men, women, and children lead some of the hardest lives and struggle daily to make ends meet. Most the "homes" we visited were not what we'd even call a house. They were more like huts-- walls made of a straw, manure, and water combination. The roofs were either thatched or one made of a single sheet of metal. Most had only one bed, if any at all, and typically only one room, where they ate, slept, and hung out. This was the norm.
Work is scarce, and the pay is menial for even the most back-breaking jobs. HIV is rampant, among other diseases that might be prevented simply if they had access to clean water. The children sometimes only have one outfit that they wear each day. And one toy that they treasure to pieces. Yet through it all, they also have the biggest smiles. Every time we'd go walking through their neighborhood, they'd run up to you and grab your hand and walk with you. It didn't matter where you were going or how far, they'd follow you anywhere.
When we returned home the brainstorming began on how we could help more. That's when the idea of this shop began to take place. Even the name, Redesignation, is a play on words. I want to use this store as a vessel to fund families, like the ones we met in Ethiopia. I'm starting out small by sponsoring this one child, but as this business grows, so, too, will the opportunities to take action and help others who are in desperate need.
The organization we went through is called Blessing the Children. Without going too much in depth, the most important thing about this group is that 100% of my donation will go straight to the child. It'll help "Hulu" with food, his education, and any medical bills, and in turn that takes the burden off his family, who happens to be his 16 yr. sister. Here's a picture of him, and his bio.

Name Huluyalfal Bisenebit
Boy Birthdate: 10/21/2005 Age: 5

Huluyalfal and his 16 year old sister lost both of their parents to an unknown illness and it has
been just the two of them ever since. They currently live in a one room house, which doubles as
a café. They share a burlap sack behind the serving counter.  Huluyalfal's sister does the best she
can for him, while running the café during the day and attending classes at night school.
Huluyalfal has been unable to attend school himself because of financial restraints. He is a very
shy, reserved boy and with the hard life he has had so far, it's not hard to see why. Huluyalfal
owns only two shirts and two pairs of pants, all of which are too small for him. Although
Huluyalfal doesn’t talk very much, we were able to find out that his favorite color is red and he
occasionally enjoys playing football with the neighborhood boys.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Opening Was Grand.

What a wonderful day Saturday turned out to be! Thanks to everyone who came out. I really enjoyed meeting all the new faces, and of course all you familiar faces as well. I feel so supported!

A special congratulations to Steve Spolar! I don't know if you read my blog or not, but your name was picked out of the chandelier drawing. Yay!

Here are a few pictures of the big day. Sadly, I only snapped a few.

Our Sign "almost" hung. 

Lots of new pieces. 

These were two of my favorite chairs (now sold). 

The view from my desk in the back. 

What's left of the 144 mini cupcakes we started with.
Thanks to Jenny for making these delectable goodies. Be sure to click on her name for a look at her other incredible creations at Double Take Cakes.  Let me just show you one of my faves. 

Check back soon for pictures of our new inventory.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Grandy Dandy Opening.

Yes, my friends, I said it!
  Grand Opening
This Saturday (August 20th) from 11am-4pm. 
There will be coffee, cupcakes, and a chance that YOU could win a free chandelier just by showing your pretty, little face. So come on out, and bring a friend. It'll be loads of fun. 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Bla Bla Blog.

I love when I'm reading through some of my favorite blogs and I find something we have here at the store.
For instance, our modern arc lamp is a pretty big hit here at the shop, but I never thought of putting it in a nursery. Here it is on an inspiration board at laybabylay.com. So fresh.
boy nursery ideas
Oh, and p.s. for all you moms-to-be out there. I have to say that one of the smartest things I've ever copied, was using a dresser as a changing table. We just put a changing pad on top (careful to never leave your baby alone), and voila, a changing table that you won't outgrow in a year (or so). Plus, the mirror captivates her, so when I'm changing her diaper, she's a. distracted, and b. rarely ever cries about it. Easy, peezy, lemon-squeezy. I'll post have to post a pic of baby T's room soon. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Give me S'more.

So I read on someone's facebook that it was National S'mores Day a few days ago. Not really sure who makes those days national, but can we please have a National Furniture Day? Probably not as tasty as a s'more, but I'm sure we could work in some kind of chocolate-y substance in the mix.
I'll work on that. Perhaps we'll call our Grand Opening "National Redesignation Day". Look for more info to come on that, and if you'd like a grand opening postcard, email me your address at shopredesignation@gmail.com. In the mean time, here are some more photos of our inventory.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Told Ya.

I hate to say I told you so, but I did say I get some pictures up of my inventory, didn't I? This is about half my store... so consider this a "to be continued" type of thing.

1.Marble Base Glass Dining Table $200
2. Ceramic Candle Holders $11 each (candle incl.)
3. Large Brown Basket $12
4. Framberg Brushed Nickel Chandelier $230
5. Lamp $35
6. Poppy Painting $15

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Lost in Appalachia.

We're back, and the shop will be open for normal business hours which are: Tue-Fri 10-6, Sat-Sun 11-4. I'm so sorry if you didn't see our Facebook post about being closed this weekend and ended up driving all the way out only to find my puny, little sign saying we weren't there (look for our page on Facebook). I tried to update my blog from my phone, but we were lost in the mountains with no service, and no directions. Seneca Rocks, West Virginia is beautiful. Only a 4 hour trip. Unless, of course, you get "detoured" onto a one-lane road around a mountain in the middle of the night, in which case it's then a 6 hour drive.
Here are a few pictures of our trip. Smoke Hole Caverns are pretty spectacular. I brought a few dozen stalactites home for each and every one of you. Just kidding. That would be illegal. Probably.
Coming soon, the next few posts will be of all the furniture in the shop, along with prices and (if I have them) what they retail for in other stores as well. After all, this is the real reason why you're looking at my blog, right?
Half our family in the cave.  
Baby T can't get enough. 

Thickest Stalactite in the World.

We're a "knee socks" kind of family.