Thursday, June 19, 2014

Creating Floor Plans Online

I wanted to share something I find very entertaining and super fun- you can design your own floor plans with I've been dreaming up ways to reconfigure our downstairs bathroom and bedroom combination. The previous owners added this tiny, little bathroom to our downstairs bedroom, which is cool, but it literally left the room with no wall big enough for a bed. We've used this room for many things in the four years we've lived here- guest room, office, and currently a play room. It's also tiled, which is super cold, but I'm not willing to do anything major (like rip up tile) till I figure out what I want to do with the space. When we put our house on the market last year, one couple was super interested, but their hang up was that they couldn't use this room as their master, which clearly was a make or break. Homestyler really helped me visualize a configuration that I like. My measurements aren't exact, but you can use exact measurements and size everything to's awesome, like graph paper online. You can even add furniture and fixtures like I did. Warning: I've literally spent hours doing this. It is addicting.  
Here's our room right now: 
I couldn't figure out how to add a door on an angle like our current bathroom door is, so the bathroom's not really wide open like this. Also the white, rectangular things are radiators. Between radiators and doors swinging into the room, we literally can't place things any differently. So awkward. 

To the left of the room are the stairs and a narrow hallway to get to a back door and the basement door. 
So here are three options I've come up with.
Option #1: Eliminate hallway and use it to make a bigger bathroom. 
Pros: Bedroom is much bigger and now has a functional wall for a bed.
Cons: Bathroom will have a back, exterior door (think pool bath), and will no longer be accessible through the bedroom. Also, you'll have to walk through bathroom to get to basement.

Here's a 3D view of the room 

Option #2: Smaller shower, add a stack-able washer/dryer combo
Pros: same as option 1, plus moving the laundry up from basement.
Cons: same, and a smaller shower. 

Option #3: Making the bathroom accessible through the bedroom, and closing off the bathroom to the back door. I added sliding doors to the bathroom to prevent the loss of space from opening doors. The washer and dryer now sit outside the bathroom in a separate hallway by the back door. I also added a closet in the bedroom. 
Pros: the bathroom is accessible from the bedroom and you don't walk right into it from the back door. The bedroom is still large enough to accommodate a bed and a closet.
Cons: the bathroom is small still and you have to walk through the bedroom, then through the bathroom to get to the basement, or washer/dryer.

Back side view looking into laundry room/hallway.

Sorry if this was confusing (or boring). This reno may not even happen. I'm clearly on a kick with this whole floor plan thing, but isn't it fun? Which one's your favorite? 

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