Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Freshening Up with Some Sea-foam Green

Last week I posted a don't list I found on domino.com. Then I immediately violated rule #4 by "imposing" my need for island colors in my kitchen. I don't think I really broke any rules-it's not like I have sand dollars and shells everywhere. I just really like sea-foam green, and new paint (no matter what color) is always better than dirt-colored paint. Yes, dirt-colored. Apparently having the main entrance to your house be through your kitchen (plus your husband being a landscaper) highly increases the likelihood of everything turning dirt-colored eventually. Good thing I like to paint. I not only redid the island, I tackled the back door with the same color, as well.
Before picture of my island:

Not a huge difference, but I like this shade better with the new gray walls we painted in the background. 
Before pic of the back door (apparently dirt doesn't show in pictures, but trust me, you can see it in person):
 After: I only had time to do one coat and it turned out kind of shabby-chic. Can't decide if I'm going to go with this, or add another coat. Regardless, it looks so.much.better than the ugly off-white. I can't believe I haven't painted this sooner. What was I thinking? Such an easy fix.

Next on the kitchen remodel list: new countertops...can't wait! Pretty sure I'm going simple with a white quartz. Any recommendations on where to go? I've priced out the granite place at the Strip and compared it with places like Home Depot and the Strip was way cheaper, like over half the price including install. That's crazy, huh? 

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