Saturday, June 28, 2014

Pictures That Sell Your House

Back when our house was on the market, I was mortified when I saw the pictures our Realtor used when listing our house. It wasn't her fault. I wasn't around to navigate her and move my junk out of the way, and she was just doing her job. There is a way to take pictures like the pros and subsequently get more people in the door.
1. De-clutter. This seems obvious, but even if it's just for the one day when the pictures are being taken, move all the appliances off the kitchen counter, bathroom sink/tub, and all the toys out of the living room. Pictures tend to make things look more cluttered than they are in real life. So even if it's just for one day, make it count.
Before & After Bookshelf de-clutter

2. Make sure the lighting is good. Sometimes there can be too much light coming through a window, and sometimes not enough at all and it makes the photo look dingy, thus making your house look dingy.
Old photo of my dining room- cluttered and too much light discoloring part of the picture. 

3. A picture doesn't have to have EVERYTHING in it. Take a shot from the best angle and go with it. Magazines never show you a room in it's entirety. They can't or else you'd see the mad house they call a photo shoot. It's all an illusion, and that's what you want to create. The idea of a beautiful, elegant space.
The living room redecorating process: couch, chandelier, wall color
This is one side of the room, and here's the other where the TV and all the toys are stashed. Which side would you rather see? 

Remember, people look at hundreds of homes online now before ever setting foot in it in person. Don't eliminate yourself from the race by showing bad pictures. And don't feel bad asking your Realtor to remove pictures, or redo pictures you don't feel like represent the overall feel of your home.
Feel free to contact me for any other questions or if you're looking to list your home at

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