Thursday, November 7, 2013

Driftwood Special Tribute

Short Story: I've recently acquired a nice collection of driftwood. It's great for making awesome home decorations. I'll be creating a separate tab with info on prices. Email me with questions or shipping quotes.

Long Sentimental Story: Back when I first moved to the 'burg one of my parent's friends from Jacksonville called me. He asked if I'd be interested in helping out around his elderly mother's house once a week who happened to live down the road from me. Since I was doing a bunch of part time odd jobs, this fit into my schedule quite nicely. Grandma Strathmann (96 years young, and sharp as a tac at the time) was quite the collector. She had pieces dating back to the Egyptians, and everything had pieces of paper taped to the back with the history of each piece. The next person who received them would certainly know exactly what kind of treasure they were getting. She'd been living in her house for over 70 years. She had tight curly, white hair and squinty, little eyes that she'd close as she'd tell you a story. She had lived through the Great Depression, was a nurse, and, boy did that woman have some great stories to tell. I've never met a woman more in love with Jesus and unabashedly pray over every person who walked into her house. Even repair men. And they let her get away with it because who's going to tell a 96 yr. old any differently. I loved her for it, and I got to know her well over the next year. We even ended up buying the house for sale right behind her, which she claimed was nothing short of a miracle when we told her. My husband and I took a trip to Ethiopia the summer of 2010, and I was 6 months pregnant when we got back. Eventually I could no longer help out around her house. I'd check in on her now and then, and in 2012 Veronica Strathmann passed away at age 98. For only knowing someone for two years, she made a very big impact on my life, and I can only hope I'm as pleasant and caring as she was when I'm that age.
I didn't mean for this to be quite so sentimental, but I feel like I owe her this much.
This driftwood was in her basement and her family graciously allowed me to have it for some projects for my business. I had no idea she had this much, and when her son called me to say he left it all on her back porch, I ended up having to use a sled to make three trips back and forth between our yards. I'll be keeping a few pieces for myself, but there will be some for sale under the driftwood tab. I will ship if interested and don't live in the Pittsburgh area, or you can set up an appointment with me to come see them. I have little knowledge about the types of wood, but I'll do my best to describe them if need be. I'll also be posting next on some great DIY ideas you can do with driftwood. Although, I think I like the simplicity of laying a few pieces on a table and lacing them with little candles. Very rustic chic.

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