Monday, February 3, 2014

Real Estate Monday: Where are they today?

Is it spring yet? Doesn't feel like it. My husband's out plowing snow as we speak (I mean type). Seeing as we're about to run out of salt, I declare no more snow for the rest of the season. So that's that!
And with the (slight) rise of temperatures comes fresh, new real estate. Yay! I was getting really bored with the lack of options to share, thus the break in Real Estate Mondays, but alas, I think our options are growing and my plan is to start back next week. Before I do, I thought it'd be fun to take a trip down memory lane and see if and how much my previous posts sold for. Sound like fun? If you'd like to see more pictures, I've provided the old link to the houses.
Do you remember this cute, little condo in Deutschtown? It's still on the market for $150k...I have a friend who might be pretty excited about that.

 This gorgeous house from Highland Park sold for $475,000 back in December after an asking price of $499k! Not bad. 

 This one in Bloomfield has a sale pending at $219k, I believe asking price was $229k. 

 This ranch in Monroeville sold for $113k back in December. 

This designer home in Edgewood sold in December for $263K, asking price $279k. This was one of my favorites! I'm a sucker for that Wedgwood blue color in the dining room. 

 This was an awesome redo by some architects in the Wilkinsburg part of Regent Square. They sold it without a Realtor for $200k. $20k short of asking price. I'm slightly jealous of the new owners. What a great deal. 

 This house in the Southside was a total gut! The owner had it listed at $189k, but ended up remodeling it himself and renting it for $3,000 a month. Here's a facebook link he sent me of the remodel. It must have been quite the job. 

This is the same room redone- it doesn't even look like the same house.

 And my last house to share is this little guy in Stanton Heights. Sold for $175k last November (asking price was $179k). 

Those were just a small sample of all the Real Estate Monday posts I've done. If you're ever curious about a house, I usually list the zillow links and they give the sale prices and dates if they've sold. See you next Monday with a new home. 

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