Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Turning a Dresser into a TV Console

We've all seen it done before- dressers used for tv consoles. They just happen to be perfect for flat screen TVs. I just happen to be a little late in the game. Our previous stand did the trick, but I didn't love it (plus, it didn't really solve our storage problems). Since we no longer needed our dressers in the bedroom, I had this small one that was perfect for the space and really addressed our much needed toy corralling problem. 
Back when I was using it in my bedroom, I dry-brushed it with a white latex paint and threw on some new, wooden knobs. When I brought it downstairs, I took out two of the top drawers to house our cable, blue ray, and sound bar box. I contemplated taking out the third drawer for symmetry, but I left it in to hide our dvd collection. 

I took a drill and a hole saw drill bit (very handy thing to invest in if you don't already have one). All I did was eye up where I wanted my holes to go in the back for all the cables to be thread through and drilled. It's super easy when you have this drill bit and it takes like two seconds. The outcome is a perfect circle for all your cords to fit through, otherwise you'd have cords coming out the front all over the place.
Observe the back side:

And the best part: lots of storage for toys!

Here's an old picture of our previous (Ikea) console- practical, yes, but also quite boring. And what is it about dark wood and dust? I swear. I had to dust that baby EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. I'm all for the "if I don't see it, it doesn't exist" motto.

Not only does our "new" console hide the dust, it somehow transformed our space into something so much warmer! I'm pretty pleased. 


  1. Wow.....Nice work done. Thanks for sharing. Visit Yappee for the best Furniture packages in UK.

  2. Fantatic job Jorden! I love your blog. I am going upstairs to take I look at our dressers now.
