Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sweet Sophistication.

Here's that Bauhaus living room set I was talking about. Excuse me while I swoon over it for a little bit. I love plush couches that still keep their shape.

Did I mention this leopard footstool before? 

So fun! 
Here's our little tiger! 
We put trees on her stroller and wrote a sign that said 
"Last Tiger of Zanesville" :(

Friday, October 28, 2011

Artsy Fartsy

Where has this week gone? Wow. I had intentions of writing like 10 new posts, but alas, time has not been on my side this week. So, a little recap:

Here's the after shot of the buffet last posted about. I feel slightly shady about posting this a day too late because as luck, or something of the sort would have it, it sold yesterday! But I've decided to keep doing more projects like this since it got such good feedback. Any requests? 
Second. We visited a neighbor of my Aunt's on the North Shore. They were having a huge estate sale as they just sold their home and are majorly downsizing. They probably have one of the most substantial art collections I've ever seen (and I come from a family of artists). We're displaying and consigning about 1/8 of that art collection. Lots of original prints and a great variety. So come on over and check it out. 
I'm sure I'll post some pictures of them at some point. 
Third. We just brought in a gorgeous 3 piece living room set from Bauhaus. It's a neutral beige/creme/mother of pearl (anyone remember that toothpaste commercial I'm referencing here?), and it looks brand new. All you in need of a beautiful, comfy couch better check it out soon. 
Hope to see you all tomorrow (Saturday). And for all you flea market fans, Rossi's Flea Market is having a Halloween costume parade/contest for kids tomorrow morning at 10. My little tiger will be there bright and early parading around.  

Friday, October 21, 2011

Freezing Paint.

Hi friends. Just in case you were wondering, paint gets cold in this kind of weather, too. Yesterday was my "day off". Grandpa had the baby, and I was bound to tackle the multitude of furniture in my garage that were begging for a new life. Or was that my husband begging for his garage back? Either way, I set out to paint...and paint I did. Now I'm just waiting for it all to dry. Which probably means I'll be waiting for a while because it's still cold and rainy out today, and our garage sadly isn't heated.
Side note: I skipped over to Anthropologie today. They have some amazing deals on hardware. Here are a few I scored today for just $2.95 each. Can you believe it? That's cheaper than the Depot. And way cuter.
Verawood Knob, White
Dayflower Knob
Morning Glory Knob
New hardware makes any old piece of furniture look new and fresh. It's a really inexpensive way to get a quick change, if you're not into the repainting thing. 
Here's a peak at one of the pieces I'm refinishing. 
Sanding phase. 
I'm thinking of ordering something like these handles  for the buffet above. I painted it a gray blue and left the top its natural wood color. I'm just not sure what look I want to go for with the hardware. I would have just recycled the old ones, but some are missing. Any thoughts? 
Zinnia Handle - Antique Brass

Remember when I said I almost always seem to get paint on the driveway? Here's another glorious example of that. One of my paint cans rolled and splattered. Thankfully this was outside and I could just wash it all away! 
Have a wonderful weekend everyone and be sure to come check out our new inventory. 

p.s. don't forget about the 15% off deal from the last post. . You have until the end of October. Only one person's come close so far. I gave it to her for partial correctness! Enjoy that desk and those stools! 

Friday, October 14, 2011

Who's This Guy?

Our small group partakes in a white elephant gift exchange for Christmas. The rules are: each couple spends no more than $5 on the tackiest thing you can find, and the couple who "picks" the gift must keep it on display in a visible living area of their house for an entire year! Let me show you what we were so blessed to unwrap last year...
See that circular frame sitting oh-so-strategically on our bookshelf in our living room? That's Sloth from the Goonies. Not so bad, right? Anyways, we came across this little guy (in the top picture) at Rossi's Pop-up Flea Market  and knew we had a winner. The only problem is my husband's unwillingness to keep it a secret (we'll see how many of you in our small group actually read my blog). So here's the deal. If you know his name (yes, this ugly thing has a name, probably the coolest thing about it) then I'll give you 15% any one item in my shop. Offer stands till the end of the month, and only one discount per family. Just come on in and tell me his name. It's that simple! Onto the real reason why you came here. Our store has a new look yet again. It's been a crazy week of getting new items in, but they're here at last, and that's the important thing!
Let's take a sneak peak, shall we?
Server from the 1800's
Look at all that gorgeous detail! 

Tiger-Striped Oak Bar $1200
(free delivery within a 15 mile radius) 

Wouldn't this be awesome in a kitchen?
Stools now $75 each

Glass Table/Wicker Chair Set $200
8 x 10 Wool Rug $170

Yellow Pine Shaker style Server

 I'll post some more pictures later...till then, you start thinking about who that little guy could be up top.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Last Chance at Romance.

I was going to title this "last chance with Mary Jane", until my husband informed me what that song meant. I don't want you to get any wrong ideas. I also don't know why I feel the need to constantly explain my titles. I mean, do y'all really pay attention to titles? Really? And for you native Pittsburghers out there, y'all is the equivalent of yens, a word I still cannot seem to grasp from where it was originally derived.
So back to the title. It does have relevance. This couch, my friends, is on its last call.

When I first saw her, she was cleverly situated in a house that somewhat reminded me of a cabin. I loved the bright colors, the vintage feel, the high back. But it's been a whole two and a half months at last, and no one loves her as much as me, apparently. It's okay. I won't take offense. I just wanted to offer one. last. time.
After this next week, she'll be on her way to a new home.
It's been a good week in the shopping department. We're taking a trip tomorrow morning to pick up a few more goodies from a lovely lady's home. And by few, I mean like ten things. Thus, the reason why this couch needs to find a new home. In the mean time, good luck navigating around the store.

p.s. anyone interested in the most amazing tiger-striped oak bar you've ever seen? It's old, and it's awesome. Oh, and it's also 8 feet long, so you'll need plenty of room. Perhaps a kitchen island?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bursting. At. The. Seams.

I have too many titles running through my brain to pick just one. I also have many, many new items to blog about. But really, I'm going to highlight just a few and save the rest for a rainy day.
Ever since I saw this drink cart on Cup of Jo, I've been slightly obsessed with brass drink carts. I even saw one at a neighbors house, and immediately gravitated toward it. No, not because it was stocked with drinks. It's just such a fun look.
Let me show you just in case you don't like to click on the links I give you.

My find
Their luscious drink cart

Okay, alright, I know, mine's not quite as lush as theirs, but come on, have some imagination. Or do I need to fully stock it like they've done?
I also found this other extremely unique piece. It's some old, re-purposed mechanical cart. I love how rustic it is, and I think it'll make someone a great, and unique kitchen island, or, you guessed it, drink cart.

Word on the street is some couple came down from Canada, loved it, but couldn't figure out how to fit it in their car. Sad.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Hey Mambo.

Mambo Italiano. 
I used to make up names for my mom when I was younger. Mambo, may or may not have been one of them. For certain, Matza was one of those names. Now, instead of "grandma", we have Matza. Below is a true Italian treasure. It's my newest consignment piece. Bought in Italy about 40 years ago, is this stunning bombĂ© chest. While this picture hardly does it justice, the wood is almost exotic looking and laid in a chunky square sort of pattern. 

Made by "Fiorini" 

Also new is this demi lune (half moon) sofa table from Ethan Allen. You can still find it online here for (get this) $1449! I decided to list it for 70% off its original price,
making it $435.
I found a whole bunch of new stuff to go in the shop yesterday, which is perfect timing since I walked back in this morning to find that Kelly sold everything last night. 
Okay,"everything" is an exaggeration. But she did sell a lot. 
So what did I get? You'll just have to stop in tomorrow and see. Here's to hoping the husband's able to pick it all up tonight! This business is like a marriage.
It really does take two. 
And a half. 

Monday, October 3, 2011

Welcome to the Family.

Welcome to the Redesignation fam little retro bench. I liked you so much, that I took you home off the streets and gave you a new outfit, and a new chance in life. My only regret is not taking a before picture. When will I learn? 

We received another new addition to this family. 
An adorable little kitten.

Hey, have you guys looked up yet? No, not up in the air. I should have been more specific, I guess. Have you looked at the new "re-inspire" tab at the top of the blog? It's right next to the inventory tab. So go ahead, click on it. Hopefully I've peeked somebody's curiosity. 
Just remember. Curiosity killed the cat. A saying which has nothing to do with the tab I want you to look at, and everything to do with the fact that I'm looking at a picture of my daughter in a cat costume in a fake tree. 
Oh man. 
Hope to see you soon! 
Like tomorrow at 11am. 
Till 6 pm. 