Wednesday, March 11, 2015

How to Get Motivated to Clean Your House

Want to know how to get motivated to clean your entire house? Throw a party! Seriously, it's like a kick-in-the-butt jump start to cleaning.
Here's what I'll title "Calm Before the Storm"- aka pre-rescheduled family Christmas party where we stuffed 40+ family members in our little house.

I don't think I ever shared our kitchen backsplash either. Or maybe I did. Either way, our kitchen has never been this clean.
It was fun while it lasted. Here's a couple pictures I took during the party. Bingo is a family tradition- that's why everyone's hunkered down over their cards. 
We also had a little snow ball fight action. My daughter got creamed in the face, poor thing. 
 And what party is complete without some "paint face" as Taliila likes to call it. 

 Plus, I finally took pics of all the furniture in our garage that's for sale. Yay for feeling accomplished! Maybe I'll even get around to redoing some of these pieces. Or you can buy them and send me pics of them redone. :)

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