Sunday, May 25, 2014

Our New Couch & A Can Of Worms

I've finally got this living room under control- enough to show you pictures at least. See, when we first got our new sofa, I wasn't too excited (at all) about the color. In my defense the color sample was more of a taupe rather than a dark charcoal. It wouldn't be that big of a deal had it not been a splurge on a custom item- normally we're all for purchasing our items [gently] used. It's more fun that way. But my husband and I were desperately wanting a super-comfortable sofa that we could both sprawl out on. I'm not going back over the entire story... you can read it here if you'd really like to know about our decision-making-process. 
Once the new couch arrived (it took a whole six weeks), we had one day to enjoy it before we left on vacation. When I got back, I just felt like it looked so blah. Not the look I was going for at all. This is the whole can of worms part. New sofa leads to new paint color leads to new rug leads to new coffee table. It's never-ending really. Here's a before pic (excuse the quality of the picture). 
The first thing I realized was the couch and the wall color didn't do each other any favors. So we decided to repaint. I was tempted to do this anyways, so not a super, huge deal. We thought something in the lilac family would look nice to compliment the gray. This is what we started with. 

After painting one wall, I quickly had a mini panic attack that it was too purple for any living room and mixed it with some leftover dark gray paint I had. I'm really happy with the end result. It even makes the room feel so much bigger now that it's all one color. I even painted the chair-rail the same color so everything looks seamless and smooth. Here's the semi-final result from the paint, plus some new pillows. I'm much happier with the couch color's amazing what a little paint can do. And it's sooooo comfortable. Finally. 

 *Our little "Luna" chair we picked up from the Regent Square yard sale in the corner.
Now onto the rug and coffee table. I might opt to use the legs from my old table to make an upholstered ottoman. Preferably round like the basket in the pics above. I'm going to be sad to see those pretty wood floors get covered, too, but it's just too bare without one in the room, especially since Taliila plays in here the most. Any fabulous, secret rug stores in Pittsburgh? I think I've exhausted them all. I'll let you know when I find one. 

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