Monday, April 14, 2014

Real Estate Monday: Greenfield

I promise I've been scouring the internet for new homes, but until now, I hadn't found any "worthy" to post on. At least not that I considered "affordable". Today, I'm posting a house in Greenfield. It's located right across a bridge (of sorts) from Squirrel Hill. It's easily walkable, accessible, and all around a pretty great location if you ask me, without the sticker shock of Sq. Hill.
This house has the most incredible floors I've seen in Pittsburgh. Seriously. I'd like to interview the owners, they're so amazing. If you happen to read this, owners, please contact me, and do share how you did them. Anyways, this pretty much goes without saying, the floors are why I chose to showcase this house. You'll see what I mean.
306 Kaercher St., Pittsburgh, Pa 15207 listed for $195,000, it has 4 bedrooms, 2 baths.
 If I walked into this house and saw these floors, I think I'd buy it right then and there. I'm a sucker. I know.  This layout is very typical of any old, Pittsburgh home, but the floors make it flow oh-so-nice and really step it up a notch.
 They clearly remodeled the kitchen, adding a nice breakfast nook.
 I love the sliding doors off the dining room. You could open those up and really expand your living space once the weather warms up. Also, how beautiful is that mission style cabinet? I like that the color palate is neutral, too. It really allows the space to feel fresh and clean.
There's that bay window you see from the front with some wonderful built-ins.
 The floors on the second floor are beautiful as well. And look at that nice, big hallway.
 They've chosen to use the space on the third floor as a family room, but I'd imagine it could also be a pretty awesome master suite, as well. I'm sure there's hardwood under that carpet, too, but I like carpet in bedrooms. It makes it a little cozier under your feet.
I don't think this house will be on the market long. What do you think?

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