It's spring time- well almost. And that not only means spring cleaning, but also spring sprucing in our house! We have two bathrooms in our house, but rest assured they are the smallest, most underwhelming bathrooms you've ever seen. Seriously, I'm talking brush your teeth while you're on the pot kind of small. So we're tackling them one at a time.
The first one to get a makeover is our downstairs bathroom. I chose this one to go first because it needs the least amount of work, and it's the one our guests see first. I'm not even going to give you step by step directions, because I'm clearly not a professional tiler, but it was a fairly easy process hanging these guys:
Here's what I was working with:
premixed grout and adhesive = perfect for small jobs
I took a day to repaint the bathroom. Here's a before shot from when we bought our house 2 1/2 yrs ago. Not bad, but since then it's gotten dirtier and dirtier, and that white look is not so white anymore. Anybody else have this problem? Plus the shower door broke, so we had to replace it with a curtain. Bummer.
And here's the after:
Found the starburst mirror at a flea market
Our homemade curtain rod = a steel pipe |
The subway tile was a dramatic success! |
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The grey color makes it feel so much warmer (and it hides dirt so much better)! |
All in all, it took a few days, about $100, and some elbow grease. Not bad for a quick fix. And I'm no longer embarrassed to have our guests use our bathroom. That's a bonus!
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