Thursday, March 14, 2013

Old Business Card Dilemma Solved

Since we moved I haven't known what to do with the thousands of unused business cards I had with our old address.  I didn't want to throw them out. I'm in the business of re-purposing things, so surely I can come up with a valid way of reusing these guys.
{Insert brilliant idea here}
Back in December, I went on etsy and found a company that sold self-inking stamps. I bought this stamp for my husband's landscaping business so he wouldn't have to write his return address over and over again when sending out bills. 
I was so pleased with it that I also bought a different one for my mom and grandmother in-law for Christmas gifts. I'm clearly a sucker for stamps. So it didn't take long for me to conjure up another excuse to buy one. 
It just so happens to work out perfectly if I stamp the back side of my old card with my new address, then cut off half the card with the old address. I get a whole new look- they're cute and square-shaped, and best of all, I don't have to waste paper! As an added bonus, I can leave some uncut and use those as price tags. That gets an A+ in my book any day. What do you think? Too puny for a business card? Or simply perfect? 

p.s. I in no way get paid for endorsing this guy's stamp business. I just happen to like it a lot. Plus he's located a street over from where I grew up in Florida. It's a small world after all. 


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  2. They look great. I was thinking about stamping the back of my business cards but I wasn't convinced. I really like the idea now after seeing yours, especially since you cut them. Good job.
