Saturday, October 27, 2012

Painting Frenzy

I've gone on a painting frenzy. I guess I just believe in the power of paint. I've had this bookshelf FOR-EV-ER and apparently nobody liked it.

So a few days ago, I took a brush to it, and out came this: 

I know, I know, it barely looks like the same piece. But, alas, it SOLD. Whohoo!!! He found a home. 
Want to see other things I've painted? Well here's a dresser. Not only did it get a paint job, but it also got some new knobs. 

Here are two pieces that I'm toying with the idea of painting:

I know it's a cool piece as is, but wouldn't it be awesome in POPPY

I'm so tempted to paint the drawers a fresh white. It'll look clean & modern and really make those neat handles stick out. What do you think?


  1. Please don't paint the credenza! The base wood is mellow and compliments the burl top; I think a white base would cheapen the look and "unmellow" the piece.
