Saturday, September 6, 2014

Fall Wreath For The Front Door

Despite the fact that I'm totally not ready for fall, I've been itching to get a start on a fall wreath. I've never been into wreaths before, but for some reason, I'm really digging them this year. I know I don't want the fake floral look, so I've been perusing the web for some inspiration. I think I've settled on attempting this one below.

 Now here's the shocker: I'm not a crafter. I repeat. NOT A CRAFTER! I own no glue gun, no supplies, I have little patience for little projects- I like big things for some reason. But I'm going to try. And this one looks simple enough for a first-timer. 
What I really like is the versatility of this wreath. It's just spray painted acorns, but I could change out the color of either the acorns or the ribbon for each season. I might start with a turquoise ribbon, and transfer to the orange for October. 
Have you made your own wreath? Or know a good go-to place to buy them? 
Also, not complaining about the plethora of pumpkin candles in the store. This one is my favorite so far bought at Home Goods. I hate that store. And by hate, I mean I walk in to return something and walk out with five things I didn't know I needed. Ugh. 

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