Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Major Renovations.

Hi there. I thought I'd give you some visuals to show you whats going on with the church we purchased. Here's what a week of demo looks like:


The demo pile consists of what used to be in the water-logged basement. It's still pretty scary down there, but trust me, it's a LOT better than it was. Helping us with our renovations is a man that also consigns many great pieces of furniture with us. Perhaps I should have had him pose in the picture, and add some scale to how high that demo pile really is. It's gone now, and we're on to more beautifying projects. I can't wait for the day when it looks something like this: 
Wouldn't this just be something? To have it look like that's inspiration! 

Don't forget to stop by the shop and see what's new here in the meantime. I literally took a pink marker to half the price tags today. Sale, sale, sale. It's that time. 

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