Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Oh What Fun.

 I had the pleasure of staging this house in Edgewood these past couple weeks. We used to own a house in this same neighborhood, and let me tell you, I miss it. This Victorian house is adorable, and frankly I'm surprised it hasn't sold yet. However, if it's one thing I've learned from watching all that HGTV it's that a staged home sells much quicker. Rooms tend to look smaller than they really are, and people tend to have a difficult time imagining a room without furniture. So that's where I came in. Here are some pictures of the final result.

The Foyer With Gorgeous Chandeliers Throughout

Love the Stained Glass Window

Dining Room
Gotta Love the Built-ins
Living Room: View as you walk in from foyer. 

I love this giant palm leaf-esque style basket
and the little nesting boxes
under this glass table.
Television Cabinet

Great Crown Molding to cap off
some tall ceilings.
Had I any bedroom furniture,
I'd have made this a bedroom to show buyers how big
 this room actually is.
For now it acts as a den,
just imagine the map as a flat screen :)

I included these next few pictures of this room
 to show how the adjoining room would make such a sweet nursery. 

Pardon my editing skills.
No, there's not really a crib in there, but wouldn't this be fun! 

The "real" room without an added in crib.
Could also make a wonderful walk-in closet.
Just throw some built-ins from ikea and voila. 

Had to leave my "calling card". 
Never have I worked with a more prompt and delightful Realtor.
 And trust me, I've worked with my share. 

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